Sendai Conference 2020

Dear attendees, invited faculties and industry partners,
We would like to announce that unfortunately, Sendai Conference 2020 scheduled for July 11 will be cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
We deeply apologize for all the inconvenience caused by this, and appreciate your continued attention and cooperation.
Chairpersons Ichiro Nakashima, Kazuo Fujihara
Host Japan Multiple Sclerosis Network
Chairpersons Ichiro Nakashima
Chairperson of the Board of Directors, Japan Multiple Sclerosis Network
Professor, Department of Neurology, Tohoku Medical and Pharmaceutical University

Kazuo Fujihara
Professor, Department of Multiple Sclerosis Therapeutics, Fukushima Medical University
Research Institute for Neuroscienc


Secretariat of Sendai Conference 2020

c/o Keiso Shobo Publishing Co., Ltd.
2-1-1 Suido, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112-0005 Japan